A talk by Prof. Philipp Grundmann on Sat. 15 Dec 2018

(Hosted by Dr. Sanaz Moghim)

Prof. Philipp Grundmann is Adjunct Associate Professor of Resource and Agricultural Economics at the Humboldt University Berlin, and Senior Scientist at the Leibniz-Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy. He is heading a research group on transformations of sociotechnical systems in natural-resources based and related sectors. His research portfolio focuses on linked technical and social innovations in the modern bioeconomy and the emergence of value networks and business models from a nexus and institutional economics perspective. He has successfully initiated, coordinated and performed national and international research projects worldwide.

He presented significant outputs from his basic and application oriented research include methods, tools and indicators for better understanding and managing technical and institutional transformations at different levels in innovative sectors like the bioeconomy. He also explained about his projects in Iran (e.g. Zayanderud) and his areas research including agricultural and resource economics, management of climate change, management of renewable energy systems and the bioeconomy, development project management and technology assessment.

مزایا، چالشها، و چشم انداز آینده کاربرد هوش مصنوعی در مدل سازی بارندگی-رواناب و پیش بینی سیلاب

Application of Artificial Intelligence in Rainfall-Runoff Modelling and Flood Forecasting: Advantages, Challenges, and Future Prospects

Dr. Amin Talei

Senior Lecturer, School of Engineering, Monash University (Malaysia Campus)